Example Page- Caritas In Action  

Free Readings Transformed Into...

VirtueRo -  Feb 17, '22

"... helping out a new elementary school that someone has set up not too far from here."

 Also "I'll aim to donate $33 when I start generating income again..."

(Note: donating here is always voluntary and not a condition of a free reading.)

Who's Next?

Paying It Forward Can Be -

Spending extra time with animals
Visiting the elderly or homebound
Teaching and Tutoring
Making an effort with neighbors
Sharing something you make
Helping someone in need
Helping with handyman work
Clearing closets and gifting items
Any Pro-Bono work
Joining a local protest
Speaking at a local council meeting
Doing someone's chores
Bringing treats to co-workers
Spreading warm smiles
Donating to the Caritas Fund

Anything that brightens the world for others


  1. 1st Ever Donation   Feb 5, 2022   $  20.00 - Thank You J!
  2. Feb 9, '22 - $5.00 - Thank You N!
  3. Feb 13, '22 - $100 straight to the fund! -Thank You GiantDuckFan! :D 
  4. Feb 14, '22 - $5.00 - Thank  You BA!    Happy Valentine's Day to All Donars
  5. Feb 18 '22 -$5.00 - Thanks again BA!  First Giftcoin reading
  6. Mar 14 '22- $5.00 - Gracias NSF!
  7. Mar 17  '22- $25.00- Happy St. Paddy's from Robert Lofftus!!!! :D
  8. Mar 28 '22 - $25.00- Thank You C-S, For Your Early Extra Donation!
  9. April 3 '22 - $10.00  Caritas Tarot top off donation 
  10. ???
    st  $100 Free Reading  CLAIMED! For VirtueRo - Feb 17 '22                                  The Cup Fills Again.... 
    2nd $100 Free Reading CLAIMED! For Susan - Apr 3 '22     

Miller & Harris, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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